July 2019. The AI face editor application FaceApp has gone viral on social media, topping the trending topics as even celebrities around the world picked up on it. We brought Airbnb Experience into the conversation, partnering with a Special Effects Makeup Artist (and Airbnb Experiences host) to make comedian Matt O’Brian look 50 years older in real life. The video was shared on Airbnb’s social feeds, drawing attention to the value of trying the real experience with a real pro and inviting the community to try it too.
Click here to see the thread on Twitter
CW Julia Garicochea / AD Gabrielle Lemmons / CD Liam Trumble
Airbnb teamed up with The Times in Chicago and asked us to drive awareness of Airbnb Adventures. My team and I created a consistent drum beat of content across the @Airbnb Instagram stories & Twitter. The posts were created to inspire people to travel and spark wunderlust.